About Us

Building safe, supportive homes for missionaries, enhancing their life after service.

Who we are...

Elim Homes attempts to provide a home for homeless serving and retired missionary families so that they will have a place of their own.

God has raised many missionaries in India and other countries to carry the Gospel to the unreached places. Most of them have toiled in hard fields and have poured out their lives to see a cross being raised in unreached places. Few choose to live and die in the same place where they have worked. Some wish to go back to their native places when they retire or when they become old. They wish to peacefully cherish their evening times. Unfortunately, many of the missionaries do not have a place to go. Reasons are many.

  • Some of these missionaries are first generation Christians. Many missionaries have lost their family support when they committed to serve God.
  • With the limited monthly support during their missionary journey, it was difficult or most of the time impossible to save for future. What they receive as monthly support was sufficient to meet their basic needs.
  • Their parents are no more now and when they go to their native place, they do not have a place to go. They may visit their siblings and relatives but can’t spend their retired life there.
  • The missionaries do not want to go and live with their children (especially those who have only daughters). They find it difficult to look to the children for every need.
  • Most of the missionary organizations do not have pension schemes. In few organizations, they give a small gift amount (Rs 1 to 3 lakhs) during retirement and that is all. The missionary family has to spend the rest of their life on their own!
  • Very few organizations have joined their missionaries under EPF scheme, and they get a minimum amount of pension from that for survival. Paying rent and living is very difficult for many missionaries who do not have family support.
  • The medical need of people above 60 is high and for many missionaries it is a great challenge.
  • Some organizations allow the missionaries to continue as long as they want. But in many organizations, they are asked to leave by 58 or 60 and some by 65. After this some missionaries who are healthy join other Christian organizations and work for few years. It is a sad thing to see some are working in some offices just to meet their monthly needs.

    Though their faith life continues, their struggle to pay rent, medical bills, monthly bills etc. is challenging. The people who have given their whole life to carry the gospel, many forsaking good career, family etc. need a better care during their evening times.
    Considering this we have come up with a plan to build houses for missionaries who do not have family support and who do not have a place to stay. This can reduce their burden to considerable level.

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